3D PRINTER Projects
Overview of Project
3D Printing technology is an additive manufacturing technology where a three dimensional object is created. This technology is a rapid prototyping technology.
Additive Manufacturing- It refers to technology that creates objects through sequential layering.
Subtractive Manufacturing-It refers to technology that creates objects by methods such as cutting.
Design The design structure that this project aims is a PRUSA OR KOSSEL Model.
Problem Statement
- The present 3D printing technology is very time consuming with a high manufacturing cost.
- This project aims not only to reduce the cost of the 3D Printer but also working upon its accuracy and time constraints.
Simplified Block Diagram
This block diagram describes the basic working of the product. As shown in above block diagram:
- Firstly a 3D object is designed using a CAD Tool and then is converted in such a file format specifically a G-Code using software’s like Cura or Repetier that is understandable by the electronics that mainly includes the Microcontroller.
- Input is given to the electronics that give commands to the motors according to the design in the CAD Tool.
- The mechanical components including motors, extruder works accordingly and thus a layer by layer object is printed (in layman language plastic is glued) on the print plate or glass plate. After the 3D object gets cooled to a certain temperature the final end product can be taken out.
ng with Files If we want to again change the process settings for example changing the printing speed, infill percentage etc. There comes option of “Edit Process Settings”. After making such modification the OK option is clicked to save the changes. GCode / X3G files gives the instructions for the printer.Gcode tells the machines how much to move, where to move and how fast to move .Such types of settings are also called as 3D Printing Tool Path. Gcode uses plain text format while the X3G uses binary language which is used by the machine with the maker boat type firm wares. When the option Prepare to Print is clicked the 3D model will automatically get converted into 3D Tool paths for the machine. Factory files is a combined file to retain the simplify 3D Project. It offers a unique way to save all the data about the project into a comprehensive file called as “Factory File”. This file includes copy of 3D models that have been imported, their positions on bed, process settings etc. 3D Printers typically use software that “slices” a 3D model into layers and then the software generates a GCode that extrudes the plastic to fill each layer. Mostly slicer software works, CAD program is compatible of producing STL’s.
The Frame and its Components
The description of various different components used in the development of the system project and its frame. It is really very necessary to describe the features of the components that are used in the designing of the system. This chapter includes the brief description of the components along with their pin configuration and different features.
The Frame
Selection of frame is an essential part for system designing. This frame gives the support to the printer. All the axes of the motor added to this frame. The threaded rods are mounted on this frame and rubber strips controlled by motor action. We decided to build an aluminium based frame because of its light weight and ease of use.
List of Components
The printer consists of a number of components. All of them are listed below with their description.
Extruder consists of two parts, a cold top part that feeds the plastic filament, hot part at bottom that melts and extrudes the plastic. The speed of the extruder head may also be controlled, to stop and start deposition and form and interrupted plane without stringing between sections. Figure 1.2 shows an extruder.
Stepper Motor
The stepper motor is an electromagnetic device that converts digital pulses into mechanical shaft rotation. Many advantages are achieved using this kind of motors, such as higher Simplicity, since no brushes or contacts are present, low cost, high reliability, high torque at low speeds, and high accuracy of motion. This project involves the usage of at least five motors specifically five stepper motors .one motor to control the Y-axis, the other to control the X-axis, two to control Z-axis and one to control the extruder. The configuration of all the five motors is same and the driver is used to drive the motor.
Driver A4988
The driver features adjustable current limiting, over current protection, and five different micro step resolutions. It operates from 8 – 35 V and can deliver up to 2 A per coil. Five drivers are used for running 5 motors. Heat bed is pasted on the ramp so that IC should not be burned out. Figure 3.4 shows a stepper motor driver carrier A4988.
Arduino Mega
Arduino is an open-source hardware and software company, project and user community that designs and manufactures single-board microcontrollers and microcontroller kits for building digital devices and interactive objects that can sense and control objects in the physical and digital world. Its products are licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) or the GNU General Public License (GPL), permitting the manufacture of Arduino boards and software distribution by anyone. Figure 3.7 shows an Arduino Mega Board.
RAMPS 1.4 is probably the most widely used electronics for RepRap machines as of March 2014. It consists of a RAMPS 1.4 shield, an Arduino Mega 2560 board (or a clone), and a max of five Pololu Stepper drivers. It can control up to 5 stepper motors with 1/16 stepping precision and interface with a hotend, a heatbed, a fan (or a second hotend), a LCD controller, a 12V (or 24V with appropriate modification) power supply, up to three thermistors, and up to six end stoppers. Figure 3.7 shows a RAMPS 1.4 Boards.
The SMPS Power Adaptor – 12V/1A (Power supply) is a Switched mode power supply (SMPS). This is the advanced power supply and better than conventional ones. If you want low losses and stable output also you don’t want to make a rectifier, so go for SMPS. The power adapter comes with dual barrel connector, a 2.1mm, and a 1.1mm connector.You can use this SMPS Power Adaptor – 12V/1A to power-up the Arduino UNO/Arduino MEGA, DC motors, LCD screens, DVD players, Hard Drives, Audio Gear, and most other digital devices use less than 1 Ampere. Figure 3.9 shows a 12V SMPS.
3D Printing Filament
3D printing filaments are one of the most important materials that are required because it is the material of which the end product is made. This project uses two types of plastics.
- Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS): Plastics It is a common thermoplastic polymer and is amorphous in nature. The most important prospect of this material is its resistance power subjective to force and toughness.
- Polylactic Acid or Polyactide (PLA): Plastics It is a biodegradable plastic material which is made from renewable resources such as corn starch and sugarcane. The main difference between the two plastics is that the ABS plastic type is known for its toughness whereas the other is known for its soft type of material. Thus for different purpose different plastic materials are used.
The parts of the extruder that get hot enough to melt plastic, or potentially other materials. As opposed the cold end, which is generally made from printed thermoplastic that needs to stay cool or it will melt / deform. Hot end parts use materials that can stand up to ~240 C heat (for current thermoplastic extrusion). The hot end usually refers to the tip of the extruder as it should be hottest there. Figure 3.10 shows a 0.4mm hotend.
Circuit Diagram
Figure - Connections of the Printer |
Below are some final 3D printed samples from the project
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