The IEEE standard covers the fields of electrical engineering, electronics and radio. The IEEE is an international non-profit and professional organization that works on high-level technology related to electricity. It has more members than any technical professional organization in the world, with more than 360,000 members in approximately 175 countries.
IEEE defines the purpose of any organization, whether that organization is scientific or educational. It leads directly to the development of practical and theory science along with electrical, electronics, communication and computer engineering. IEEE 802 is the most commonly used standard that deals with LAN and MAN. LAN is defined by IEEE Project 802 as a data communication system that allows multiple independent devices to communicate directly with each other.
The main function of IEEE 802 is modularity. It compiles the entire management into different IEEE 802 standards, this standard is also accepted by ANSI and ISO. IEEE 802 has 22 standards so far, in IEEE 802 the following set of network standards are mostly used:
IEEE802.1 -This is a standard related to network management that introduces a set of standards and defines interface primitives.
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