Structure of PLC 

➡️ Define PLC and Technical definition

The basic structure of PLC is shown in the figure. In this, the inputs are read into the input memory register. This function is included in the system software of the PLC.

Structure of PLC | Structure block diagram
Basic Structure of PLC
In the basic structure of the PLC, every time the input / output register is not only a byte but also a byte. A continuous input instruction provides the status of 8 different input ports. In this, the instruction fetches the value from the input register and operates on it. The Central Processing Unit (CPU) works towards the result of a register or accumulator. This result of the instruction is stored in some intermediate register or directly in the output memory register, which is received as output. The output function is included in the system programs of a PLC.

Specifically a PLC is useful for industrial environments. This includes hospital conditions such as heat, derate, humidity, unresolvable power, mechanical shock, vibration, etc. The PLC has both hardware and software features that make industrial equipment wide range controllers attractive.